Please follow this guide to add an accurate and professional submission to our listing directory.
1. Title and URL
- You must use your real name (first and last) in the title box.
- You are allowed to change the hyperlink name of your desire by clicking the Edit box.
2. Business or Personal Description
This section is for explaining your business or you can use it as a personal biography. Word count must be greater than 100 to be approved as an active listing. Tell as much of a story as possible about your company, your product and your future goal. Audience love to hear about a growing business.
3. Profile or Business Portrait
Upload a picture of yourself or your business.
Picture can be of any size of dimension. It will be automatically scaled properly once listed on map.
4. Map & Mischellaneous Settings
You are not required to fill the detail personal address if you do not have a business location. However, you must pinpoint to the current city and state you are living in. Use the address box to locate your best location.
Turn on Streetview if you want visitors to see the front of your business (Premium Profile only).
Fill your website, email address and contact number.These information are required.
Fill except to have a short description of your listing in category section.
5. Categories and Locations
If you have a free profile you can choose at most 1 category and 1 location for your listing.
Premium Profile allows you to choose up to 3 categories and 10 locations per listing.
Click Publish when done.
Your submission will be verified and will not be active until you have executed our above guidelines accurately.
Thank you for using Local Succcess.org – An open directory for entrepreneurs !